The comic book convention in Columbus, Ohio has came and went and let me tell you in was a success. Once again it was very nice I meet a lot of people and traded book with a bunch of vendors. It all was good. Hey check out the first half
Demond the Movie I'm having serious difficulty loading this movie on the net. I'm gonna figure it out but for you people DSL enjoy. Demond Comics is proud to present to you Demond the action cartoon. You will get to enjoy Demond as never seen before. The chills, the spill and the thrills are all here. Soon to be the most watched action cartoon in the world. Check it out here at for free. If you have a slow dial up Internet connection then don’t fret you can order your DVD copy online using paypal at ten bucks! A piece. That’s right only TEN BUCKS! If you’re in the Cincinnati area then check your local cable access channel (Channel 24) for show times or just come back here for the actual times. Along with an interview and a behind the scenes show. Wow! Demond Is taking off! click here to start the movie DEMOND MOVIE or go to the movie clip page for individual scenes. DEMAND DEMOND!
I told you this will be a big year for Demond. The fan base is growing extremely fast and the people are demanding more, so we are working around the clock to give the fans what they want and that's more Demond Comics. If you want to find out what all the hype is about, then order the first interactive CD-ROM from Demond Comics. Also, you can come aboard by purchasing the freshest gear, like: t-shirts, hats, and more. Don't be the last to find out about the wave of future. Get yours now! Order online on the products page or send out for your free information at Demond Comics P.O. Box 141060 Cincinnati Ohio 45250 | |